Reviews by John Ryan


Super Admin
Pros: lay a large egg
Cons: unfriendly, hiss a lot, almost impossible to hold
I wanted a pair of Large ducks, partly for novelty value, to learn a bit about them but i also wanted a large breed that could be a table bird. A friend of mine gave me a pair of white muscovys. They are the most unfriendly bird i have ever come across, every time they see me, the drake hisses at me and both of them run away, their tails wagging. I picked up the drake to clip his wing like i do with the chickens and boy did he fight, and those claws are SHARP. Admittedly the drake was an adult before i got him and the duck was lust under a year so their life before me may have coloured their view of humans. The duck just started laying and is already hiding the eggs in the undergrowth at the end of the garden, so hopefully when she has a few there she will decide to sit.... only time will tell how long that drake escapes the pot though.
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