Reviews by KyKyMarie77


Super Admin
My personal experience
Pros: - They are very beautiful and active birds
- They are very hearty and strong birds
Cons: In my own personal experience
- The rooster is very evil👿
- rooster is very aggressive towards the hens
- They aren’t very friendly with kids either(the rooster)
I don’t know if it’s just because my chicken was an overall meanie, but I only got one of the lavender Orpingtons and he turned out to be a boy. He constantly attacked the girls and would also attack humans. He was just overall very aggressive and a very dominant bird. He did get along very well with the other rooster he was raised with though and was very pretty, he just wasn’t nice at all to humans and hens. Again this is my personal experience with the rooster of this breed. I have never had the hens so can’t speak on them.
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