Reviews by Little Farm Girl


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Pros: They are awesome, they're friendly, they lay a lot, they are the best mothers, they are big and feathery!
Cons: Absolutely none, except their poops are big.
They really are just the best birds every! They are sweet, calm, good with kids touching and picking them up. Standard/LF Cochins from Hatcheries are aweful, like 1 out of 15 is ok in size and leg feathers, so we like breeding our own to get better birds. They lay lots of eggs. Ours are so big that hawks can't take them. They are good mommas and very protective. They like to free range, they can't fly, they really are just great!
Pros: They lay eggs, they are pretty.
Cons: Ours don't lay very many eggs, usually you can barely tell their eggs are blue, ours are all skittish.
Ours are very pretty birds, but ours egg colors aren't my favorite, and ours don't lay very often. Ours our very very skittish. Some like to free range, most like to stay in the barn and barnyard...
Pros: They are wonderful forgagers, and fantastic broodies. They're also very sweet and good layers.
Cons: I can't think of any, Except they poop like all other chickens.
We love our buff Orpingtons, ours are always out foraging, so they don't seem to eat as much. They aren't skittish or freaked out by the sight of a human. Ours are constantly in the barn going broody, and are very good mommas too. Overall, they are great chickens, and we love them.


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Pros: They are quite, unusual, friendly, and their egg color is amazing!
We love our Cayuga pair...They are so unique and unusual that everyone who visits wants one. They have soft voices, and hilarious attitudes. They are also very entertaining, especially when in water.


Super Admin
Pros: They are very friendly, highly intelligent, and do not quake.
They also are wonderful mothers!
We love our 9 Muscovies, they are so sweet, smart, and personable and come to our front door and windows to let know they're ready for their snacks! They also let us know when we have company.
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