Reviews by littlecreekfarm

Pros: docile, great forager, good for shows, great pet or layer
I love my australorps they are the sweetest things! They are great pets and great layers. I have two, my favorite is named Nugget, she is my favorite hen out of 44 chickens! I show my australorp, and they are great show birds. We won first in showmanship. I recommend australorps for beginners or expierenced poultry raisers!


Super Admin
Pros: Docile, does fine without water, good pet,
Cons: large size
I love my pekin ducklings! They are so sweet and gentle. They make great pets. They love water but do fine without it. They are a great breed for beginners.

How are the ducks as pets and layers?
Cons: may leave for the woods
I hatched some Eastern wilds last spring. I loved them they were so pretty and sweet. Mine left for the woods a while back. I miss them dearly.


Super Admin
Pros: sweet, well laying, good showing, great for kids
Cons: more work, need more cleaning
I love silkies! Some of the best birds out there! They are so sweet! Once you have one you are hooked you have to have more! I recommend silkies for anyone starting with bantams and showing. They are great with kids! They sometimes need more work because of there fluff but otherwise they are great!
My chickens absolutely love mealworms! They will go crazy for them!
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Pros: sweet, good layer, loves people,
Cons: goes broody often
Orpingtons are a great breed for beginners! They are sweet, loving, and very good with children or anyone! They lay well and I have had only 1-3 orpingtons go broody. Great breed!
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I will soon receive my first chicks 14 will be Buff Orpington. 3 are straight run so I should get a rooster. They will comprise 1/3 of my flock. Also will have Buff and Light Brahma and Black Australorp. Each with a rooster. If 30 hens reach adulthood. How many hatchlings might they produce at one year?
I absolutely love this book!! It is great and helps me with some of my poultry problems! I recommend this book for anyone! It has lists and charts of diseases and parasites and symptoms!

great book!
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