Reviews by lonniedeohio

Pros: Beautiful
Cons: Flighty, not friendly, small eggs
As with many, I bought my EE under the tag of an Araucana. It didn't take long for me to realize I bought an Easter Egger. She has by far the longest tail of all my chickens, you'd think she was a Phoenix.

Lets start positive. She has beautiful colors, she starts white at the head and gradually works toward a black tail. Additionally, she lays regularly. This summer most of the girls have slowed down because of the heat, but she's been pretty consistent.

The negative for me, may not be an issue with others. That being said, I'm not a fan of how flighty she is. I eventually just clipped her wings, she would jump two fences to get into my garden. Second, her eggs are really small. Only slightly bigger than my Silkie (which are bannies). She also isn't as friendly as you'd expect. As chicks we handled them daily. I got her with a Buff Orph, and the Orph loves to be held and will come up and jump in my lap any chance she can. The EE will eventually follow suit, but only if the Orph is there first. I think she's just making sure the Orph isn't getting food without her. She won't come to me w/o the Orph there first.

None of the comments are deal breakers, she will be part of the collection for a long time. But if I could do it over, I'd not have gotten the EE.
Purchase Date
Pros: Pretty, good layer
Cons: Loud
I'm getting rid of mine because I have neighbors and my hens sound like a flock of geese at 630 every morning. My golden commets are much much quieter and started layer weeks before the BSL
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