Reviews by Maggizzle35


Super Admin
Pros: sweet hens, good layers, humorous, don't get too broody
Cons: not good moms, have bad peripheral vision and are good target for predators.
I love my Polish roosters and hens. They are so much fun. The roosters tend to be a bit more high strung than the hens, although when I get a hold of them, they are very sweet. I have Elvis and Elvis Jr. at the moment and I do believe Elvis III just arrived. I have a splash hen and thats her name. She is white with black speckals. I have her and Elvis' offspring and one hen is completely white with just a few spots of black and then the other one is black with white and black tossel. All the roosters have been gray. The hens are very personable and easy going. The roosters act like they are on speed most of the time, very fast and hard to catch. They are very clever and generally survive better than the hens. Because of their "hair do" they are an easier target for air attacks and ground predators alike because they don't have as good of side vision as other chickens
This was bubbles, my first Polish love.
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Pros: great personality, good foragers, great eggs great variety
Cons: you never know what color egg you will get :- )
I love my apparent Easter Eggers. I have been mistaken about what kind of chicks these are. I just hatched several chicks and these came from blue or greenish eggs. I just love the little blondie, although she has red feathers coming in down the front with a beautiful blonde head. They change so quickly. I also hatched several Kacoo Marans so I might be able to get some of those olive eggs. I have a beautiful black Easter Egger that I noticed was developing her bearded area. Thank you lllia for letting me know. I appreciate all the educational information I can get.


Super Admin
Pros: friendly, soft & fluffy, easily handled, great adoptive moms, protective roosters
Cons: can't always see peripherally, easy target for predators
I have loved my silkies from the start. I have a pair of white silkies and black silkies. I have one small buff silkie hen. I have had great experience with the hens hatching their own chicks and adopting chicks that have already been hatched, that are full size chickens. They are wonderful all around. Sweet dispositions, easy to handle and one of my favorite breeds. They never seem quite like a chicken and they usually smell nice.
The white hen with Christmas eve babes and the black hen with her adopted eggs and chicks.
My Silkie Rooster, named Romeo and of course the white hen is Juliette. The chicks are Kringle and Holly born on Christmas Eve 2011.
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