Reviews by magicpigeon


Super Admin
Pros: Lays regularly, beautiful bird, was one of the first to lay
Cons: Aggressive to other chickens
I'm going to begin by saying I've only ever kept 2 Australorps so this review may or may not be a little inaccurate looking at the larger picture. But anyway.
My first australorp was a boy who we unfortunately only kept for 10 weeks before we had to give him away, but in that time he grew HUGE, but was the friendliest chick you ever saw! He was docile and sweet and protected his roommate Dandelion from the "mean" silkies as well

But my second was a girl called Bobo who we still have to this day. Bobo started laying pretty early from what I can remember, and is very people-friendly, but she also developed a mean streak towards other birds, in particular our Ameraucanas, though I can't see why. By 'mean streak' I really mean preventing certain birds from eating or drinking or laying eggs unless I turf her out for a couple of hours so they can do as they wish.
I'm not a fan of getting rid of my 'babies' so she's still here, but the Ameraucanas/silkies get a separate feeder and place to lay eggs. I'd just say as a caution be careful, not all Australorps are friendly and shy lol! I obviously had a laugh reading those characteristics (seeing as they are pretty much exactly what Bobo is NOT!)
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