Reviews by Manedwolfy

Pros: So beautiful and unique, in looks and in egg colors
Always laying
Roosters are so caring to their hens and protect them amazingly!
Quiet birds, and pretty friendly
Mine all had pea combs and never got frostbite
Lives for a very long time
Cons: You have to be strict with the nest boxes, mine would always sneak away and lay somewhere else
Like roosting in trees and on the patio
Beards will often get messy
My two most recent EEs was the cutest couple. My rooster Fluffy and my hen Part-Stripey (my niece named it, and even though it's weird, I find it's oddly adorable!).

First of all, they were super pretty and fluffy. Part-stripey was a beautiful fluffy mash-up of gray and black, and Fluffy the rooster had the beautiful and majestic long tail feathers :love My hen also laid very pretty eggs, ranging from sky blue to blue-gray.
Fluffy was friendly, quiet, and protected the flock amazingly. He clearly loved his hens a lot! He did favor Part-stripey a bit much though, and she did have some bareback. I've noticed with past EE roosters that they can get a bit possessive with a single hen. Part-stripey was a bit skittish though. They are also very healthy due to being a mix and mine lived very long.
They didn't like roosting in the coop at all though. We got lazy at one point and just let them roost whenever, wherever (they were basically free-ranging 24/7 and never got hurt by a predator which is amazing)... and they chose the porch. SO MUCH CHICKEN POOP! :barnie
Part-stripey also didn't lay much in the nest boxes. We once found a giant nest where she had been laying, but it was too late, and they were all rotten. Such a waste of beautiful eggs... Their beards also got kinda messy when eating but was never honestly a problem.
Overall........ I love easter eggers!


Pros: Full of personality and fun to watch
They are pretty fluffy but manage to stay clean
A good free ranger that doesn't wander
Not flighty at all
Cons: Skittish and wary
Kind of an awkward run, easy for a predator to catch
Aggressive to new chickens
I've had EE's for years but this is my first actual ameraucana, Eglantine! She's curious and hilarious to watch honestly! I love it.
They are kinda fluffy too, but mine always is clean. She also stays with the flock and is fine with confinement.

She's very skittish though, and wary. Not a pet bird in my experience unless you really handle them. Mine also kinda runs weird, and so does my friend's. This may contribute to how the other 2 ameraucanas I bought we killed by predators. Eglantine is also slightly aggressive to the newer chickens when they come near her.


Super Admin
Pros: I like the colors
Not extremely loud for a rooster
Not very aggressive with other roos
Likes attention but doesn't like being picked up
Cons: Their very big comb can get frostbite
Don't like confinement
I had two red sex link roos, which were SUPPOSED to be hens... ironic how they are supposed to be easier to sex.

I mostly enjoyed them, they didn't pick any fights with the top EE rooster other than quick pecks or staring each other down. The two roosters actually fought more.
They crowed a good amount but not that loud. They also loved coming to me for treats and one would sometimes jump on my shoulder.
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Barred Rock

Pros: Protected the hens
Cons: Very flighty
Giant comb easily gets frostbite
Very, very loud
I had a barred rock rooster that I really didn't enjoy that much. Very flighty with fast wing growth, always jumping out of the coop. He protected the hens but was also sometimes mean to them. NEVER put with another rooster, even if they have enough hens. Mine had a humongous comb that easily got frostbite. Aggressive to basically anyone and anything!


Super Admin
Pros: Very good layer, even when old
Settles fights and usually becomes top hen without much aggression
Lives long without any diseases or such
Great dual purpose
Cons: Slow and lazy
sometimes flighty
My Yellow was always the grumpy (yet humorous) old girl in our flock. When she was younger she greatly produced eggs. She went broody sometimes, but way less than our EE hen. Settles pecking order and tries to be on top. I think Yellow kinda intimidated the other chickens, as she could be on top without much aggression.
Pros: Curious and full of personality
Mine was a hen but she still protected the flock well
Not taken by predators easily
Cons: Can be aggressive to new chickens
Escape artists
I absolutely LOVED copper! So fun to watch. Head hen. She was very curious and often found the best worms and such, and loved free-ranging. She also could escape and fight off any predators. Helped our EE roo Fluffy defend the flock from chickenhawks. Fluffy was very laid back so Copper led the flock a lot of the time. She loved me too!

She didn't like new chickens though. Would tolerate them but would sometimes be aggressive. Never escaped the coop but would always be searching and finding ways to escape the yard.
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Pros: Great layers
Friendlier than my other chickens
Cons: Easily bullied
Short lifespans, can die easily from reproductive issues
My 2 hens are great layers and one is very friendly, the other isn't as much as it was feral most of the time.

My new one, the one that was feral, is very easily pick on though. The other one is the rooster's favorite hen so she's fine in the pecking order.
Pros: Iridescent "rainbow" feathers that beautiful.
2 of them love to follow me around the yard.
Stays together in a tight flock usually so if a predator attacks, they usually have more of a defense
Cons: If they are free-ranging and I have to put them back into the coop early, they wont go in the coop. You have to pick them up which they hate
Fearless around predators and walks up to them, which caused one to get hurt
Don't like being in a coop
I have four black sex link hens: Nyra, Pellimore, Otulissa, and Kasumi. Pellimore and Kasumi run right up to me when I walk out! All of my past experiences with these birds is that they REALLY love corn.
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