Reviews by Mutt Farm


Super Admin
Pros: Calm, friendly, social, pretty, hardy, lays big lt brown eggs
Cons: None except not noted for heat tolerance
This is a great all around bird, especially for a beginner. Friendly. VERY docile, can get picked on by more assertive hens, so I ordered my Buff's first to give them a two month head start on the others. They've been such a great influence on the 11 younger birds. Easy going and not flighty ( too heavy built). Great in a coop but enjoy free range as well. Very hardy and healthy. They lay a good sized egg consistently every couple days. Mine live in extreme dry summer heat and do fine with deep shade, great ventilation and plenty of cool water. I don't think they would fare well with heat + humidity in a stuffy coop. I have 3 Buff and 1 Lavender Orpington. Love this breed.
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Pros: They were pretty tolerant when I introduced younger chicks.
Cons: Sketchy, not friendly, flighty
I'm a new urban farmer. Dad brought 3 day old EE's home for colored eggs. I did the same with them as the other breeds that are VERY friendly. These 3 hang to themselves, won't come near me for treats or mealworms. Roosting: They roost like a bald eagle! Forget the roost, these gals flew to the top of an 8' barn stall to roost! So this newby had to clip their wing.
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