Reviews by northernlivie


Super Admin
Pros: Cold hardy, pretty, alert, curious, reliable layer, vocal
Cons: Can be loud if that bothers you, stand offish
I have owned Rouens twice now. Both times the Rouens I purchased and raised from a day old had very stand offish personalities. They approach with much caution and often eat when you stand back. Very pretty ducks. Vibrant colours and inquisitive. Another downfall is that both times I have owned Rouens they have attracted wild male mallards to my pond. Who pester my girls. Other breeds have not attracted unwanted male guests. I have owned Harlequins, Cayuga and Black Swedish as well as Muscovy. Very reliable egg layers. They lay pretty blue eggs sometimes. The other Rouen I owned layed white. They lay almost year round.
Pros: Pretty, colours change throughout the year, long lifespan, docile, sweet, friendly when worked with daily. Alert you to visitors in their area.
Cons: Can be noisy if that bothers you.
I have owned my two harlequins for 6 yrs. They are docile and alert. Very sweet natured. They love following me in the paddleboat on the pond. They eat out my hand and come to see me when I am in the yard. They are curious about animals that may come to the pond and will quack to alert me. They will also quack if they want a treat. They like stomach pats. They are easy to pick up and carry during their winter transition from the fenced pond to the fenced yard and heated house. I recommend them to anyone as they are a pretty edition to a flock and are very easy to tame and to interact with if you follow a daily routine.
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