Reviews by OlivesMama

Barred Rock

Pros: Very friendly, great foragers
Cons: Chatty!
My Barred Rocks are my favorite in my flock. I have quite the variety too-Wyandottes, an Orpingtong, Silkie, Sultan, and and EE. The 2 Barred Rock hens I have are at the top of the pecking order, but not aggressive. I can handle both easily and always have been able to. Henrietta is my lap chicken, so is so sweet! They are great foragers and layers. I will always keep BRs in my flock now. The only con- Ethel (top of the pecking order) is very chatty. She's always making noise.
Pros: Fantasic layers, inquisitive, beautiful eggs
Cons: Not easily handled
Cleo, my EE is the best layer in my flock. At the end of summer, she went through a streak of 9 days with an egg every day. She lays 6 out of 7 days. She's a beautiful bird and her eggs are a lovely greenish blue. She started laying at around 5 months. My only complaint-she's one of two in my flock that won't let me handle her. She'll come running when I open our back door, but I'm not allowed to touch! She was the prettiest chick. She looked like a chipmunk and had black eyeliner, hence the name Cleopatra.
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