Reviews by PrairieChickens

Pros: Docile, easily handled, patient with people and other chickens, steady layers, and good meat birds.
Cons: Nothing significant.
When we bought our first chickens back in 2011, we did our research and settled on a few breeds, barred rocks being among them. We bought barred rocks because they were supposed to be docile, calm, and friendly birds, but we ended up with a vicious rooster and a flock of neurotic, bird-brained hens. After we got rid of our first barred rocks, it took us a long time to give the breed another chance, but finally in September of last year, we tried again. We bought four "pullets" that turned out to be more like straight run, and we were more than a little nervous when we realized we had two roosters in our brood! Much to our (pleasant) surprise, however, both of our BR roosters turned out to be sweethearts, and one of the hens is now my favorite bird in the flock--quite a difference from the first batch of BR's that made our lives so miserable! As an added bonus, they're fabulous producers of eggs and meat, though the friendliest rooster was spared the hatchet after my cousin fell in love and adopted him. (Lucky him!)

Sweet Basil, my barred rock hen, likes to fly up onto my arm for a cuddle.

For those interested in buying barred rocks, I strongly recommend finding a reliable source for your chicks. If buying at a store, select chicks who are outgoing and friendly, and avoid chicks that flee in terror at your approach. If buying from a hatchery, look for one with a good reputation for producing friendly birds. This way you should avoid having an experience like our first, and enjoy an experience more like our second.
Pros: Strong layers of gorgeous eggs, healthy, heat tolerant, not prone to frostbite, colorful birds, cute faces
Cons: Often sold under false pretenses, some individuals not as friendly as others
We purchased our first five Easter Eggers--as so many people do--with the mistaken impression that they were full-blooded Ameraucanas. Our disappointment was shortlived, however, as they quickly proved to be fantastic additions to our flock. Their personalities ran the spectrum from the neurotic and flighty to the warm and cuddly, and their appearance was just as diverse. There's no trouble telling your birds apart if you have a flock of Easter Eggers! Over time, we learned of even more reasons to love our EE's--their small combs aren't prone to frostbite, their light bodies make them better equipped to evade predators, and they are very tolerant of our hot Kansas summers. The hens lay consistently all winter long, even when other hens quit laying entirely, and they lay large, eye-catching blue eggs that wow our customers. As an added bonus, they make the cutest baby chicks you will ever see! And the roosters--if you can have one--are a spectacular sight!

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