Reviews by QuailGuy88

Pros: Regulates temperature well, holds humidity, big viewing window, would make a great hatcher.
Cons: None
This is a great second option if you don't want to spend the extra $50 for the genesis 1588 or a Brinsea (but If you have the cash go for a Brinsea Eco or Genesis 1588 it's worth the money!)
I got it from a friend 3 years ago and I have successfully hatched 5+ batches out of this incubator (one was 100% hatch) and even though it is old now it still works great!
I would recommend this if you want to save some money, but still want a good reliable incubator.
It does require more montoring for tempature spikes and is not completely a set and forget. Clean up is fairly simple, just take out the wire and plastic tray, wash them off and let it dry and then you are ready for your next hatch.
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