Reviews by Rangergord

Pros: Very productive hybrid layers
Eat less feed than heirlooms
Beautiful feathers and easygoing temperament.
Cons: Haven’t found any.
I have had Rhode Island Red, Buff Orpington, and Red Sex Links and the only competition is Red Sex Link. Black Sex Links are better looking IMO. Raised 25 from chicks to pullets, and sold pullets to two other families. They are very happy with them and word spread around. Now people are asking me when I will have more BSL pullets. Maybe in another year or two! Get your coop ready because otherwise what are you gonna do?
Purchase Price
$6.50CDN each
Purchase Date
April 2022
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Pros: Beautiful photographs throughout of real gardens with free range chickens in multiple settings.
This book has a broad definition of free range that includes chicken tractors, chicken greenhouses, multiple and movable runs and fenced gardens. Gets you thinking about your landscape and chickens in ways that you have never considered. I found a copy to borrow recently at the internet archive.
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