Reviews by red hen in the rain

Pros: Sturdy, easy to make, chickens like it, water stays clean, lots of options.
Cons: None.
I bought the Do-It-Yourself kit that includes: three nipples, hanging wires, the drill bit, instruction sheet and DVD with even more info. Within an hour of receiving my kit, i had a clean 5-gallon bucket hung in the coop with 2 nipples installed on the bottom (saving the other one to make another container) and the chickens were curiously pecking at the nipple fixtures and quickly figuring out the WATER!!!!. I screened the top of my bucket with hardware cloth and a bandana to keep peeps and dust out, you may want to use a lid. I did not use the hanging wires in assembling the kit since my bucket already had a handle, but 3 sturdy pieces of wire will be handy for something.
It's a small envelope for $35, but the completeness, simplicity, convenience and cleanliness of this system are entirely worth it. You will need a power drill, and I do advise getting the kit that includes the drill bit, as the hole is then perfectly sized with no leaks in the finished installation.
Fast shipping - small business.
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Pros: Easy to handle and hang, no odor.
Cons: Chicks didn't catch on right away - see below
I placed the BabyCake into my brooder with 2-week old chicks, hanging with the included hook. It took me a day to figure out they were afraid of it because it moved. I lowered it a little so it was still hanging, but balanced in on a saucer as well. No luck. I then took it out of the brooder and rolled the cake in cornmeal, making a high-contrast yellow crust, something my chicks recognize as "chick-sized scratch grain".This produced immediate results; in pecking at their cornmeal, they discovered the yumminess underneath. Now they will go to the BabyCake all by itself. They still don't like "moving food" yet, so I'm keeping it suspended yet stationary for now. Do keep it on the cool side of the brooder tho, it will get soft and melt if its too close to your lamp. Fifteen chicks are making short work of it, even left in the brooder for just an hour a day! I will buy this product again, and probably the adult version as well when the peeps turn into pullets.
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Pros: Great selection, nice website
I liked the website: ease of use, lots of information, pictures and details. I used the breed selector to pick the right birds for my needs and ordered 16 pullet chicks in January for April delivery. (Australorp, Speckled Sussex, EEs, Silver and Gold laced Wyandottes, Welsummer). They arrived yesterday, only one dead. Several looked a little weak, but perked right up when beak-dipped a few times into tepid water containing Sav-A-Chick solution and placed under the heat lamp. This morning all birds are healthy and active. I will do business with MPC again, their site is friendly and their service very good. I expect to pay well for good birds and good shipping, I did not find the prices too high at all.
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