Reviews by RJSorensen

Pros: 60 watts vs. 250 watts, reduced fire risk, easy to use, easy to clean.
Cons: The purchase price, which I have forgotten already.
I am summer brooding around 60 Banty chicks under this EcoGlow 50, it has never been so easy to set up and get going. With no temp controls except the leg height adjustments, it is for the most part just 'plug n play.' Yes they get on top, so what? If you have chickens and don't have a good scraper around, well you should get one. My chicks seem to just love the electric hen, I am feeling the same way I suppose.

They snuggle down under it and many pop their heads out the sides, cute in the nth degree. Everyone seems happy, no loud chirping or other disturbing noise from the brooder. I no longer fear cooking my birds with the heat lamp. A heat lamp is a terribly inefficient device. And very, very hot, ever touched the end of a hot one? I'm sure you won't forget it. The EcoGlow is just good and warm to the touch. Ever had a lamp break over your brooder, and the chicks go after the glass? As an appliance the fire danger is the same as a coffee maker or toaster, always a chance but few go without them. We have had three barn fires in Cache Valley this spring, all from heat lamps, one family made their living from their hobby farm. Very sad, all could have been prevented with this EcoGlow.

It is safe, it works, I feel much better about things. I've already forgotten the sting of the purchase price. But I don't have to rush to 'check' the lamp all of the time… So if you are in it for real, you should consider getting one or the other EcoGlows. I believe I am going to enjoy it immensely.

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