Reviews by Rock Home Isle

Pros: Friendly & trusting
The Buff Orpington is a great breed for the beginner and experienced handler alike. This breed has a friendly disposition and easily adjusts to changes in their environment. If properly accustomed as chicks, through daily handling, the Buff will be a very tame & trusting bird. If we could apply human traits to chickens, I would say that they seem almost happy to see the owner and will come at a run when they see the handler enter the yard. They are a talkative breed, clucking continuously to each other and the handler as they forage and go about their daily business. Because Buffs have fairly good forageing skills, they make great workhorses in the fall if allowed to enter the garden after harvest. A few of these birds can turn-over an amazing amount of debris in the garden, as they root around for leftover produce and grubbies.

They are reliable layers of large brown eggs when provided with a proper diet and care. The breed is known as a good layer during the winter months and is quite cold resistant; these are wonderful qualities in a chicken breed. The Buff is simply a pleasant animal to maintain.

The breed, however, is not a strong grower, but will gain weight at a consistant rate. If confined to a run & feed only a commercial feed they will gain quicker, but these birds do enjoy their freedom to roam and forage the confines of teh property. The finished birds are heavy framed, and could serve a dual purpose. If purchased Strait-Run, the Cockerels could easily be intended as meat birds while the Pullets are retained for egg production. Again keep in mind that they are not a fast growing breed, but they are steady in their growth.

Buffs are not very good flyers, as are some of the lighter breeds. This makes it a simple matter to fence off gardens and areas where you don't want the birds to scratch about. A simple 3 to 4 foot high fencing should work in most cases.

The trusting charactor of this breed can easily be destroyed and lost if the birds are chased or mistreated at all, but that could easily be applied to most any breed. Chickens don't like to be run ragged.

If you are looking for a solid reliable chicken breed for your home flock...there is a Bonus to found in the Buff Orpington.

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