Reviews by RRLaney


Super Admin
Pros: Adorable, cuddly, curious, gets along with everyone (even the dog)
Cons: Not a single one that I've found yet
I wish I could put into words how much I love my Faverolle. We just got our first one (12 weeks old) and we are obsessed. Our chicken breeder would only part with one of them cause she uses them for showing, but boy am I happy she sold us this little girl. In hindsight I would've bought them all off of her, or fought harder for at least 2 lol. In the short time we've had her she's already gotten so comfortable with us, instantaneous bonding, unlike ANY of or other hens! She'll just sit on out shoulder for hours and nuzzle closer if she gets scared or needs something. She's pretty good at communicating with us. She doesn't seem afraid at all of our German shepherd. She actually seems to like his company. And she definitely spends more time with us humans than the rest of her flockmates, but when she is out and about she gets along with everyone. Definitely a little timid, but I think she respects the pecking order well and knows who to hang with and who to avoid.
So if you're the type of chicken owner that likes to spend time with your chickens I HIGHLY recommend faverolles. If you have a giant flock just used for eggs and meat and you don't care about the love and cuddles then they might not be the best because I think they're happier with you as opposed to being in a big mixed flock.
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