Reviews by Russian Blue

Pros: It works well, while it works
Cons: Expensive, not a good value, poor customer service
I had used my Brinsea Mini Eco 4-5 times when it started this horrible screeching when turning. I noticed the gear that is part of turner was all rusted up. I contacted customer service, and my unit had just gone out of warranty so they refused to replace anything. Customer service rep was short with me. I proceeded to contact them by email so I would have a record of the conversations. I finally convinced them to send me a new motor for the turner, after about 10 exchanges and pointing out to them that Incubator Warehouse has sent me multiple replacement parts when I needed them. For the price you pay, the Brinsea products are not a good value. I now buy only from Incubator Warehouse because they have excellent, fast and reliable customer service as well as great products.
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