Reviews by sara213

Pros: Docile, friendly, social, alert, clever, stay close to coop
Cons: hard to find
I was lucky enough to come across a person in the same province as me who lives about an hour and a half away. So, I decided that I want to try to breed these guys eventually. Considering they are rare...especially in North America and being that they are a breed from the 1500's England.

This breed is really good as pets, they are friendly ( I bought mine as adults and I was surprised that I could even handle them so well on the first day.), docile and they are very alert and clever.

I live behind a wooded forest reserve and of course there are going to be birds of prey in the area. The other day, I went out to open the door for the girls and I was feeding them inside the caged run. I notice they were all very still and alert. I looked up and saw a hawk in the trees. Then another time it was colder out I opened the door of the coop to feed them ( moved the food indoors now) but as I was feeding them they panicked and the three of them ran into a nest box. I figured I made a weird noise or something but I turned around I saw two hawks circling around. So, I closed the door immediately and comforted them a bit so they relaxed. But they came out in the run still watching carefully but not panicking like the did a second ago. I figured that they understand they can't be gotten when they are in the run. But if its in the open, like when I opened the door and there is nothing to stop the hawks from getting them they really panic.
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