Reviews by SesameRoad


Speckled Sussex pullet...
Pros: Very pretty plumage
Cons: loud, food crazed, not friendly, skittish
Got her with a few others at Coastal farm store as chicks. Never was friendly. Lays every 2 days or so. Avoids me unless there are treats. Got for the plumage, but just disappointed in the breed, at least the quality from Coastal farm.
Won't be purchasing again unfortunately.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
August 8nd 2021


Super Admin
Pros: Broody, predator-savvy
Cons: Broody, flighty, mean to other birds, not a good layer, food devourer, EGG EATER!
Purchased from Coastal. Do not recommend unless you like the looks. Contrary to the breed, my pullet went broody right away. One of the top hens in the flock and mean about it. Eats any eggs in the nest, unless she's broody.
If you have predators, know they'll stay safe. They can fly (figuratively). Eats the most feed out of everyone, also contrary to the breed.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
August 8nd 2021


Super Admin
Best chicken breed!!
Pros: Loyal, friendly, calm, quiet, curious, great free rangers, predator savvy, amazing layers, big eggs
Cons: Large breed, take up a lot of room in the coop
My two BOs came in the mail from Meyer Hatchery, and I was immediately in love with their personalities. Being almost a year old now, they are by far the friendliest in the flock and love attention. One of them walks up for hugs and loves trying to eat my hair and more curious than anything. The other enjoys riding in the basket of my bike and traveling to parks with me. :love
Definitely a must have breed for me.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
August 2nd
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