Reviews by Skink


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet, beautiful, personable, smart, little clowns
Cons: Quality birds are pricey, hatching eggs a bit more delicate, you'll want a billion
Getting good looking Serama for breeding is a task and a half since you have to wade through a lot of information and be willing to pay high prices on pairs or chance-y eggs, but if you are looking for a fun and personable bird to work with they are worth it! If you just want a pet quality bird, they can be hard to find locally but they're as inexpensive as anything else. I love the rooster's tiny crows (though they are shrill,) and how all of them march around like they're on a mission to get where they're going. Their bravado is too big for their bodies to comical effect. They are smart and grow easily attached at the hip to their people, even birds raised hands off can become the friendliest in the flock with a little love. Anyone who likes to have chickens just for fun should have a Serama or two!
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