Reviews by SnowPeeOstrichU

Pros: friendly, sweet, mischievous, awesome, caring
I have two barred rocks, and got them as chicks a bit over a year ago, and they have been nothing but fun. When I got them, one was much smaller than the other, but then they both grew and are about the same size now(and I am one of the few who can tell the two apart!). Mine's names are Ostrich(because she stretches her neck a lot) and You. They are very sweet and have been raised being handled a fair amount so they are VERY friendly. They lay almost every day, and their eggs are somewhere from cream-colored to brown. We have had no problems whatsoever with mites, fleas, or any infections of any sort. In fact, we handle ours so much they could be a little less friendly with people and we wouldn't mind, it's just we like picking them up and stroking their feathers because it is nice and soft and our only pets are chickens so we can't pet a cat or anything. Sometimes when we eat outside and they are out of their coop they come and beg and sometimes they jump on our armrest, and when we try to shoo them they jump on our arm, but we don't have problems with this- it's just a little humorous. I wouldn't worry about them jumping on chairs or dinner tables at all. Altogether they are very kind and caring and will wonder/bak to ask if everything is okay if you are crying. This is a great breed, is people friendly, and I would recommend it for anyone!
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