Reviews by sol2go


Pros: personality, appearance, Blue-ish Eggs!
Cons: can't think of one
My Wheaton Ameraucana pullet is strikingly beautiful and soft. I love her "beard" and the way she always makes eye contact. She is chatty and likes to be picked up for a little conversation and personal attention. I've noticed that my unrelated Easter Eggers who have similar physical characteristics also have similar personalities, although they stay just out of reach.

However the Easter Eggers lay a softly hued blue green egg, compared to the more saturated baby blue egg of my Ameraucana. FYI - if you haven't had blue shelled eggs before, they are really fun, although probably not as deeply colored as most people imagine.

So far the EE eggs are larger and they lay about 5/wk, but they are also a few months older. My Ameraucana makes up for size with a fresh egg almost daily (she just laid 10 days in a row, usually takes just a day off once in awhile).
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