Reviews by Stuck in the Coop

Pros: Friendly, cold tolerant, calm
Cons: none I can think of
These are the friendliest, calmest birds I have raised. Instead of shrieking in fear and running when you work in the brooder, they come running to see what you are doing.

Now that they are in a coop, you have to take extra care not to step on them as they are curious about everything. They 'talk' to each other a lot at bed time.

Highly recommend, please take care to purchase from a reputable breeder. Buckeyes were almost extinct so it is important to breed to standard to maintain the qualities that make them such a unique bird.
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Pros: Beautiful roosters, the best egg layers
Cons: Frost bite combs, wattles
The Light Brown leghorns are thought to be the origins of all Leghorns. These light bodied birds are excellent foragers. The feed to egg rate is excellent. My pullet is a reliable layer of large white eggs 5 to 6, sometimes even 7 days a week. Rather flighty, prefers not to be handled, but not aggressive. With a draft proof coop you can keep these large combed/wattled birds in colder climates. A wide flat roost is also a must.

The rooster sports a long iridescent tail. His colors are just stunning in the sunshine. A loud, frequent crower. Not a bird for city life. My cockerel will start crowing at 4am some days.
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Pros: Unique, beautiful, friendly
Cons: dirty feet feathers, slow to mature
A sizzle is a Silkie with curly feathers. Same personality, egg laying and maturity rate. Love seeing them running around the pen. Visitors are in awe and want to hold them.
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Pros: friendly, unique, showy
Cons: dirty feet and feathers, slow to mature
What a fun bird to own! People either hate them or love them. They are basically a Silkie in personality. Friendly, calm, easy to raise. I hate to see mine dirty, but they do get that way. Easy to bathe and they seem to enjoy it.

Slow to mature. Not a reliable layer, 3 to 5 eggs a week.

What a sight in the barnyard. Visitors are drawn to them and want to hold/cuddle them.
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Reactions: Diannastarr
Pros: Great layers, friendly, healthy
Cons: common bird
The best egg layer, cheap, easy to find backyard chicken. With all the work this breed has had over the years you just can't beat them for eggs. Nice, friendly birds who forage well as free rangers. Nothing flashy or unique about this bird, but there is a reason everyone owns them....they do what you need them to. Highly recommended especially for those new to raising chickens.
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Reactions: BlueHorse17
Pros: Nice eggs
Cons: Odd personalities
I have 2, raised from day old chicks. I do not enjoy the personalities of these birds. They are curious and not overly mean, just not as friendly as other breeds. I also don't think they are as reliable a layer as Barred Rocks. A decent, easy to raise egg layer otherwise.
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Reactions: Jac Jac
Pros: Calm, friendly
Cons: Dirty feet, feathers. Long maturation period.
Love these little fur balls. Easy to handle and raise. Just a wonderful bird for kids and adults who enjoy the birds but don't need the eggs for food.

4 out of 5 stars only because they take so long to mature and start reproducing.
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