Reviews by summerb123


Super Admin
Pros: fun too watch! good layers! lovely colors! smart!
Cons: can be a bit of trickster at times!
I love my 3 leghorn girls! wonderful little girlies! I have a Red Leghorn, Rose comb Brown Leghorn and a Brown Leghorn! Very pretty girls! I love their personality's! My girls are very smart and spunky! I get a good kick out of my girls! They love to untie my shoes! Take things from me like a lid to a can and tried to eat it and could barely fit it in her beak
! Love too peck at the silliest things on my clothes! Perch on me if I give them treats and get curious and hop in my lap!

My Leghorns are surprisingly low ranking! They are right next to my Dorking, which is last! Its my Mixed breed rooster then my small but mighty Rhode Island Red hen then my fearless Chantecler hen then my Mixed breed hen then its my three Leghorns and then my little docile Dorking hen!

(2 are are not pictured in this picture)

They can be little buggers! Mine like to escape!
But luckily they like bread so I can get them back in the coop!

Some people say they are flighty and I say "talk to the foot!"

My girls get along well with the other chickens! Not really much fighting between them!

....And that's why love my leghorn ladies! *sigh* The wonders of leghorns!
(a couple more pics!)

Pros: They are docile and smart! and the color are wow!
Cons: not all lay colored eggs and not a true breed!
Overall I love the breed! I only have one but I had 5!
I didn't have really good luck with my Easter Eggers! I had EEs 4 die and 2 other birds that I loved also died! I hope an outbreak doesn't ever happen again! My Easter Eggers were the first to catch the disease but they were young!! But back to the positive side! I love the last little EE I have! As for me in Mississippi, it gets pretty hot! You have to make a greater effort to keep them cool! As for me I put ice cubes in her water.

My little girl, Pepper Is spoiled. She has worked her way into every bodies hearts! Pepper is very smart! I let her out a lot and I call her name and clap and what do you know...she is just a running! She never strays far from me! Not to mention her habit of getting picked up! She will get your attention! She does it by making these funny honking noise and gently pecking at my leg. If you don't pick her up she will get annoying! So you better pick her up!

She is a cuddler! she will hide her head in my arm or hand and fall asleep!

You have to be careful with what breeds you put Easter Eggers with! You should NOT put them with meaner chickens! They will just pick on them! They did that with Pepper! A good breed to but an Easter Eggers with is Polish (Crested)! My Polish rooster treats Pepper like royalty! He treats her daughter! He has never pecked her! Believe it or not he had he was never raised with chicks! I know this is not a Polish review but if don't have a Polish you should get a Polish and if you get a Polish then you should get an Easter Egger!

pics of pepper:


Super Admin
Pros: they go broody alot,fun to watch
Cons: none so far
i have 2 Dorkings I've read a lot about the breed they say that they go broody a lot which means you dont have to have an incubater to hatch chicks but i want to have that expereince of hatching little dorkings and watch them grow I love there extra toe and there short legs they say they lay a creamished colored legs not sure I've not had them long enough to know that I love that you can sex the chicks by color so far so good i just love them

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