Reviews by SunnyCalifornia

Pros: Sweet, friendly, healthy birds, good layers, great pets, and non-flighty
Cons: Not good house chickens..... LOL, but that's about it.
We LOVE our buff Orpingtons. Mine are only hatchery birds, but they are so beautiful, sweet and friendly, they have won us over for sure. As long as I keep a layer flock, Orpingtons will be on the top of my list. I love their big fluffy bodies, my kids love to hold them and hug them. I get lots of perfect brown eggs from them. My Orpingtons have not gone broody in two years, but I don't get a lot of broodies in general. I think they all have too much fun ranging in the yard to want to sit for 3 weeks.
If and when I'm able to expand my layer flock, I'd love to get some quality Orpingtons from a breeder.

I will say, though.... My two Buff Orps, are my wanderers.... They are fenced in the backyard, but they have an escape route, and I regularly find them on my front lawn. I think they've recruited my little Old English Bantam rooster too, as an accomplice and bodyguard. At least they are staying on my property...
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