Reviews by Sylvestor12


Super Admin
Pros: "Very Beautiful"
Cons: "Bad Personalities"
I've had 3 Silver Laced Wyandottes and every one of them have turned out to be very flighty and don't like much attention at all. I tried to give them extra attention as chicks but they never seemed to take it in. They are quite pretty though.

Jersey Giant

Super Admin
Pros: "Great Personalities" "Good Layer" "Pretty Birds"
Cons: "Doesn't Always Reach Giant Size"
I have had 2 JG and they were white. Both of them had very sweet personalities and I didn't even raise them from chick! (I bought them at a poultry sale.) They always let me walk up to them and hug them, they appreciated attention, they were happy to walk up to you (especially if you had treats), and overall very nice personalities. Plus, they didn't act mean/territorial with the other hens. They each had really dark brown eyes that were very pretty. Also, after 3 years of having them, they usually lay every other day- it was daily when they were younger. However, they never actually reached their giant size. Even after the 3 years, she's only the size of an Aracauna.
Pros: cold hardy, colored eggs
Cons: a bit flighty, don't do well in heat
Cutest faces that you could ever lay eyes on! They have really dense feathers which is great for Winter. Since they have beards and a tiny comb they don't get frostbite very easily. The issue with all that is that it makes them really hot even in mild Summers.They can have a wide range of colors from whites, all the way down to black. My expierience is that they are a little bit more timid and stealthy so they are great for looks but spook easier unless trained consistently from chickhood. Have fun with yours!


Super Admin
Pros: fluffy, caught easier, good for cooler weather, bantam silkies seem to be VERY protective of their hens, and they get broody alot(if you like that)
Cons: easier prey, some of them act sort of mental (waddles, gets lost without the rooster), gets broody alot (if you don't like that)
I've had nice experiences with them. They look and feel great. Sometimes, if you want them to see properly you'll have to trim the "tophat" feathers from around their eyes. They have funny voices!
With one of my silkies she's sort of mental, we call her Airhead. She waddles, gets lost really easy, and she "cries" for her rooster (bawking). Also, they get insanely broody easy. My other silkie hen sat on a nest, hatched bits, we took it to put with our other just-bought ones, she went right back, and we couldn't get her off for a month or two until she finally gave up after us tossing her out of the coop during the day. She was very stubborn!
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