Reviews by TashaP89


Super Admin
Pros: Good looking, funny to watch.
Cons: Very timid, and very possessive over the female Indian Runner he lives with.
I think my drake is a beautiful bird. I've had him as a female Indian Runner since the beginning of the summer. I have no other sucks as of right now so it's just the two of them living together. They seem to get along great. The only bad thing is since I have no other female ducks he never leaves the side of the one that I do have...And any time they've both been in their house while checking for eggs he starts acting like he's going to charge at me lol... But he usually gets scared and turns around. He is also not a fan of being handled.
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Pros: So sweet and lots of personality
Cons: Messy!
I only have one female so it's hard to tell if they'd all be as cool as she is that's why I gave 4☆'S. I hear they are great ducks though. I have the one female Indian Runner and a male Mallard, and she isn't as timid as my mallard is, which I like. The both of them are inseparable. They get along so well and never leave each others side.

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