Reviews by The Howards


Super Admin
Pros: beautiful, great layer, easy to raise, poopy water great for garden/flower beds
Cons: poop A LOT
Our first experience with ducks came this summer when we got a Pekin and a Rouen from the local feed store. With help from BYC we got caught up on what was needed for them to grow healthy and happy. Our Pekin is now leader of the duck pack. She is still a bit timid but will defend her girls from the hens or anything else around. They do eat a lot more than ducks but she is also larger and weighs more. Since she has started laying about 2 months ago she has only missed maybe 1 day a week. We provide a kiddie pool to swim in and several large watering tubs for drinking. They get messy quickly because a duck has to have water to eat but only require changing about once a day. All the chickens and ducks share watering buckets. No heat is being provided for them this winter as they are fully feathered (located in NC). The down is thick on them and they are sturdy birds. I think they are great pets and egg providers. I would recommend them for anyone wanting pet ducks, just remember ducks are very social and will need a friend so get 2.
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