Reviews by TheMauveDuck


Super Admin
Pros: Gorgeous, Excellent layers, Hardy
Cons: Loud, Protective, Messy, Aggressive towards other ducks
As an owner of five Pekin ducks whom are over a year old and hand raised I feel like I've had time to observe these beautiful animals. They stay in the preferred area in and around their run and under the shelter of trees always. They move together as a group so as long as I see one I know the others aren't far behind. My three females were excellent egg layers-double yolks on a weekly bases. Unfortunately even after being raised by our family since they were days old they still aren't comfortable around us. They are treated humanely and pampered properly never chased or mistreated but they still refuse to accept that they live with us. They only run to us if they know we have food for them. They don't mind sharing space with the chickens but they hate our ducklings. They are around four months old and we still have to separate them in the coop. The ducklings do nothing to taunt them but the Pekin's are relentless. They pick out their feathers and chase them out of the pond. Despite the draw backs we love our Pekins. They are a wonderful addition to our small farm and I will never regret owning them.
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