Reviews by TREX

Barred Rock

Pros: Pretty and friendly, like to forage
Cons: very talkative, Noisy when the other hens are laying,very loud egg song.
Very sad.I may have to give these hens up if they continue to make this much noise. I don't mind a celebratory egg song here and there but an all day chorus is a whole different ball game.
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Pros: cute,very friendly, seeks affection from family members
Cons: they want someone to hold them all day
Just bought some adorable chics from the feed store because we wanted some color in our egg basket.Of course the feed store had them labeled as an araucana but I'm pretty sure they are just easter eggers.The chicks are very friendly seeking out attention from myself and my kids all day long.They love to be held and cuddled and want nothing more than a warm lap or comfy shoulder to rest on.The only drawback to all this cuddliness is that no one can hold them all day,and they protest LOUDLY when they don't get their way, lol!!
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