Reviews by TXchickmum

Pros: -very easy to fill and clean. It keeps water cool during the hot Texas summer.
This is a great waterer! After perusing for something that would actually keep water cool over the summer, I stumbled upon this. I dump a bucket of ice into it, fill it once each day, and it remains cool in 100+ degree heat. It is very easy to clean (dump it each evening and spray it down). -would recommend this product!
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Pros: alerts flock quickly, keeps order, sweet nature, beautiful colors
Cons: full, loud crow
Our Belgian d'Anver rooster is fabulous! He's wonderful with the flock - very protective. He isn't aggressive, but does have a dominant demeanor. He rounds everyone up to roost in the evening. -always sounds the alarm to potential danger when the flock is roaming around and foraging. -is very friendly towards family members, and loves to perch on an arm or in the lap. He is hand fed treats, but usually drops them for his hens to enjoy first. -super, sweet chicken!! -a favorite!
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