Reviews by vancouver chicks

Pros: Gentle, friendly, beautiful
Cons: none
I bought 4 - 3 days old chicks. They lived in my kitchen until old and large enough to move outside with a heat source. I live in Vancouver Canada where the nights are cold even in the summer.
Of the 4, 3 have survived. The runt lived for about 4 months then just quit eating and died. She was just feathers and bones when she died but had no other symptoms. ??
I think one of the survivors is a roo as his comb is much redder and his tail is shaped different. He hasn't started crowing yet. If he does I will have to sell/trade him as we can't have roos in Vancouver. Yes, silly, I know.
They are such affectionate chicks. Very soft and fluffy with pale lavender gray feathers. Truly beautiful girls. If you are going to have chickens you may as well have beautiful chickens!
They are very intelligent and affectionate. My 11 year old grandson carries them around tucked under his arm.
They have not yet started laying, but it is Feb. so very cold and the days are short. I have my coop on a timed light. 12 hours on, 12 hours off. My other older hens have laid all winter.
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Pros: steady layers don't eat much
Cons: none
Adorable little birds. I have a pair and plan to incubate the eggs this spring. They are very amusing and jump around but are quite quiet.
They leap into the air when startled so make sure their cage is secure. They do not roost at night so once they are out of the cage they won't come back and are easy prey to predators.
My male is not aggressive and are they quite affectionate towards each other and sleep together.
I have heard that they will go after smaller quail so I will need to keep chicks separate until they are grown.
I feed them the chicken crumble that I feed my chickens.
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Pros: good egg layer
Cons: very high strung
A very amusing energetic bird, I have now have them hand trained but it took a lot of time and patience. Very high strung and nervous. Hops very high and takes off when startled.
Lays almost daily. The eggs are about the size of a thumb nail. Look great boiled and put whole into
salads or as garnishes.
I feed them the same chicken crumble that I feed my chickens. Plus vegies and grains.
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