Reviews by Veer67

Pros: Great layers, friendly, and have a lot of personality
Cons: none
3 years ago I got my first flock of hens and in that group was my sweet Sugar who was a Red Sex Link. As a chick I never noticed her much but as she grew she became the friendliest hen of the flock and would let you pick her up and come running when called. Though one morning I woke up to find that a hungry raccoon had passed by and decided to bite off her toes! I quickly washed the wound applied neosporin and wrapped her toes up, she was very patient and wouldn't get nervous and flighty while I changed the wounds. After she healed she instantly became the bottom of the pecking order due to her handicap. Because her toes were bitten of, she would sort of hobble and run irregularly making it easy for predators to catch her. She layed a beautiful dark brown egg almost everyday even in the winter. This year while I was away a friend who was taking care of my chickens sadly reported that a fox had passed through the yard and took Yeller ( my Black Australorp) and Sugar as well. She was 3 years old.

Here is Sugar with the rest of the flock.

Sugar as a baby chick sleeping in a slipper.
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Pros: They are fine being held, they are pretty, have a great personality, and are sweet
Cons: They like flying especially to high places.
This year I ordered a Blue Andalusian chick along with some others. She is a sweet little girl that comes running to me when I go outside she is also very curious about what I am doing and likes to peck with her little beak at whatever I hold. Charcoal ( my andalusian chick) is fine with being held and loves to have a good rub down her neck, her color is beautiful compared to the other chicks I ordered. They are cute and curious little chickens some can be flighty if you don't handle them constantly but overall I am happy with their personality and temperament.

My little girl Charcoal.
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