Reviews by xiao

Pros: Sweet, heat hardy, eats less feed, small, white eggs, lots of colors to pick from, not too loud, good mothers, forager.
Cons: Aggressive, can fly high, fast, small eggs, digs loads of holes in yard
Overall I rate this chicken 7/10. It can be very aggressive and is a big bully. Especially towards the smaller, like chicks. The small eggs may be a problem to some who want good egg layers. They are a beautiful breed and are funny. They can even be sweet.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
May 27, 2021
Are OEG Bantams COLD hardy? Winters here drop below freezing and I'm getting mixed answers. Hoover Hatchery says Silver Duckwings are not cold hardy. I have two, will I need to bring them in this winter? Thank you.
Most chickens are cold hardy, From what i've read they can survive with it even being -20. Many bantams can handle the cold. I think what really matters is your coop. I don't live where its cold so I would using the search bar in this website for extra info.
Pretty cool overall
Pros: Fun colored eggs, cute fluffy cheeks and beard, friendly, forager, easy care
Cons: Moody and gets annoyed at others often, flys over my gate, mutt chicken breed, vocal
I rate the easter egger 7/10. I rate it this because I own a EE and it is well behaved but it isn't friendly towards others. They are sometimes loud but are very loveable and beginner friendly.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
May 12, 2021
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