Reviews by XxMingirlxX

Pros: Great layers of large white eggs, docile, curious birds that go well in a mixed flock.
Cons: Large wattle that in cold climates could be prone to frostbite.
My white star is called Zazzles after my daughter's friend named it. She is quirky and deals with confinement well - when the electric fence was being delivered she had to stay in a small run. She lays big white eggs like clockwork everyday and doesn't pick on other birds. We raised her from a day old chick and her wattle is so big that if you hadn't seen her lay her eggs you would of thought she was a rooster. I live in England so don't have to deal with much harsh weather but in colder climates I could easily see the wattle becoming a problem due to frostbite. All in all a great addition to anyone's flock!

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Pros: Great personality, Get used to new owners quickly, Great member of the flock!
Cons: A bit of a monkey, quite mischievous but some are quite timid. This is not an egg layer or a meat bird, just a gorgeous pet!
My two polish were some of the best members of my flock. We started out with two exbattery and one polish and even though she was a lot smaller and younger she was a strong character that the other two treated like family. She was a bit flighty but nothing a clipped wing couldn't solve and quite mad. Her hair never caused any trouble. She was called Sophie after my older brothers girlfriend at the time because of her fabulous hairdo. She died recently and will be sorely missed RIP


Later we got three chicks, one of which was polish. She was very small in stature but in our mixed flock she fit in well. Out of all the chicks she was the one who wanted attention the most and loved being handled and was a beautiful black with a white head and had blue on her feathers where the sunlight touched them. She died in the same fox attack as Sophie along with two others and will be missed greatly. We have now addressed the fox problem. She was named after the fire bird Torchic but she never had a very fiery persona xx
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