

Campine is an older European breed that is a descendant of the old Belgian type of Campine -...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Breed Colors/Varieties
Campines come in silver and golden varieties.
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Campine breed was originally created as a much smaller type or version of the Braekel breed. It was decided in 1884 that the two types should be separated and after a long controversy, the Campine became a separate breed with its own breed standard in August 1904. After further controversy, the two breeds were reunited under a single standard in 1925 or 1926, with the name Kempisch-Braekel. In 1962 it was decided that the original Campine type had entirely disappeared, and the name of the Belgian breed was changed to Brakelhoen.

The Campine was imported to England around 1899, and was bred there to become a very different bird. In particular, hen feathering in males became standard. Hen-feathered Braekel males had been bred by Oscar Thomaes of Ronse, Belgium, in 1904, and a male hatched from one of his eggs took first place at a show in London in that year. Campines were later exported from Britain to the United States, where a Campine male took first prizes at a show in New York city and again in Boston in January 1913.

There are two accepted colour varieties of the Campine, Silver and Gold. The Silver campine has a pure white head and neck hackles, the rest of the bird being barred with beetle-green on a pure white ground. The Golden variety has the same pattern, with the head, neck hackles and body ground colour rich gold. Campines are considered to be a flighty, hardy breed with an active and inquisitive nature.

The breed was added to the APA's Standard of Perfction in 1914.

Campine eggs

Campine chick

Campine juvenile

Campine hen

Campine rooster

For more information on this breed and their owners' and breeders' experiences with them, see our breed discussion here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/chicken-breed-focus-campine.1077842/

Latest reviews

Pros: clean, efficient feeders, small poop, daily 0.9 oz.- 1 oz. and almost 2" egg, like to fly
Cons: independence so not a lap pet
I received rooster and two hens as day old substitutes from MyPetChicken.com in July. They were hardy, healthy, and feathered early. I enjoyed discovering the heritage and what to expect from this site. Like them so much that will try to hatch some and promote them locally. My coop was built for 7 or 8 and since 6 are larger breeds, the compines have fit in fine. They love tree branches for perching in the run. Their roost is high and they took to it with eagerness. Starter crumbles were changed to feather fix in mid molt this fall, then in a month or so they started laying. I mixed the last of the starter crumbles with layer pellets and the compines did the texture change without a pause. Laying started in time for Thanksgiving. They lay a 2" white egg weighing about 1 oz. Every morning by 10:30 ! :love
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Pros: Gorgeous, friendly, chatty, intelligent, great layers of surprisingly large white eggs, adorable, and amazingly personable birds.
Cons: Their small size allows them the ability to fly over fences, no matter how tall.
My Alex is positively the most fun and loveable girl, and has gained a very special place in my heart. Her quirky personality endears her to everyone; it's amazing that such a tiny chicken can make an impact. Campines are one of those breeds that serves many purposes: not only are they great layers who will provide you with lovely white eggs, but they're beautiful, and they have comical dispositions to tie it all together. I would recommend the breed to anyone who is looking for an ideal pet.

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Pros: funny, entertaining, good layer
Cons: skittish, talkative, energetic, flyer
We have a Golden Campine hen who is the comedy relief in our coop. She has always been skittish around the other hens and around us. She loves to talk, talk, talk, and talk some more. She allows us to hold her, and she's not extremely averse to attention. However, she would much rather not be held or caught, and she is very fast and can fly more than most of the other chickens. She was a good layer; she's starting to slack off now that she's reaching 5 or 6 years. I would definitely get this breed again, they are hilarious to sit in the coop and watch.
Purchase Date
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It's tough to lose a pet. I don't know how long she's been gone but if I were you, I'd not bother yelling any longer. Depending upon how old she is or how long she's been gone, if she's not got a brood of eggs some place, she's likely been something's lunch.

Again, sorry. I hope she comes strolling home with 7 or 9 chicks behind her.
These are easily my favourite chickens!
Yes, they are flighty. No, they don't like being held BUT:
They have personality plus! They are active, intelligent, extremely talkative, good layers & once you have gained their trust, friendly. They do have a tendency to run round like mad things screaming their heads off, particularly if they want a particular nesting box occupied by someone else but I find this hilarious rather than irritating. I think Campines are born clowns & the most entertaining chickens I own.

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Chicken Breeds
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