
Indian Runner

Indian Runners originated in the East Indies on the islands of Java, Malaya, Bali and Lombok. ...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
White, Chocolate, Black, Trout, Fawn, Fawn and White, Harlequin, Blue, Mallard, Silver and many others.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Indian Runners originated in the East Indies on the islands of Java, Malaya, Bali and Lombok. It is recorded that the first Runners were imported to the UK during the 1830s - but were then known as the " Penguin Duck" due to their incredible upright stance often compared to a hock bottle. Indian Runners have long been used in farming as a method of natural pest control.

Latest reviews

the funniest kooky ducks I have
Pros: funny funny funny! the most excellent foragers. the silliest goofiest ducks God ever made. the more you handle them as 'lings, the friendlier they will ever be.
Cons: more fragile than bigger ducks, seems they get injured easier.
I have several runners mixed in with other duck breeds and everyone who visits loves the runners the most. they are fast runners! they are brave explorers! the best foragers. they dont give up. They have enormous personalities. sometimes because they run around so much and get into everything they can get injured. I have one who is blind in one eye, i think she ran into a branch. another I had broke her leg when her face got caught under a fence post she was digging under.
My Favorite Duck Breed!
Pros: Funny, friendly, engaging, goofy, good foragers, good layers, not big eaters
Cons: They need to be raised from birth and handled daily, including picking them up, to obtain maximum affability.
Better when raised in a flock of 10-12 or more
We've had Penciled Indian Runners for almost a year, then got ducks to show, (Pekins, White Runners, Call Ducks, East Indies, Cayugas and Australian Spotted). It may not be fair to compare ducks raised by others to ones raised by me, but the Runners are the most friendly. They make me laugh and smile, and are the perfect cure for any bad day!
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Jan 2021
Great foragers and layers, but a bit too nervous and scared.
Pros: Great laying, excellent foraging and easier to raise.
Cons: Predators, nervousness and meat purposes.
I’ve raised runners for a few years now and have had fairly good luck with this breed. The are little nervous nellies, but it can still be easy enough to move them around since they herd together, like sheep. I have had a few go broody and hatch out ducklings every now and then, although its only about one in every 8 that will successfully do it. Excellent garden pest control, but again just a little to skittish. As seen in the pic, I actually had one hatch a ”Chuck”. Ha
Purchase Price
$6-$8 dollars for ducklings
Purchase Date
Last edited:
That’s awesome! Beautiful duck and cute baby too!
Albert the Saxony
Albert the Saxony
Thanks CaliFarms! What birds do you keep? Right now I have Runners and I’m about to be shipped Saxony and Khaki ducks from Metzer Farms. In the future, I would absolutely love to have wood duck like the duck on your avatar.


Since my last post in April bout just starting with runners I have added more now I have total of 16 runners black,blue,chocolate, and fawn and white
There are so many great things about runner ducks the cute fun smart but not cuddly. The love to follow you around the yard especially when picking weeds as if the weed taste better when you pick it for them. My Drake is a challenge every spring as soon as the first egg gets laid till I finally give my Duck a pile of fake egg's which gets here to quite laying. He is also the first one to round up my duck and bring here in when a hawk or eagle is around. They have been a part of the family for 3 years now and I am hatching there eggs this year. I also ordered some hatching eggs that are black runner's. Hoping that more girls will tame Drakzilla next spring and black birds will help to keep the hawks at bay
I have 14 of them.. Black, grey, light grey ,dark grey, black with green and purple tint in them. And what I call a vanilla duck because she looks like vanilla and some light brown and dark chocholate color ones

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