
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Layer
Climate Tolerance
All Climates
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Bears confinement well,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Any and All Colors
Breed Size
Large Fowl

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and Araucanas, then bred with many different breeds so they no longer fit either breed's standards. They usually have muffs and pea combs, but come in nearly every variety and color, some even have ear tufts or are rumpless. Each EE is different, but overall they are usually a smaller bird that lays pink, green, or blue eggs. They are normally friendly and calm, and their colorful eggs make them a popular choice in backyard flocks.

Easter Egger chicks

Easter Egger egg

Easter Egger rooster

Easter Egger hen

For more info on Easter Eggers and their owners' experiences, see our breed discussion here:


Latest reviews

I feel bad that I have to give this chicken a 3-star.....
Pros: Cute fluffy cheeks, pretty eggs, small comb
Cons: Super skittish, not afraid to stand their ground
On all websites I've visited says that easter eggers are one of the sweetest chicken breeds you can get. Yes, that can be true....But all chicken's personalities vary! I can barely get close to my easter egger, she startles when I make the slightest movement. She is not afraid to stand up for herself. She will fight. She fights with a hen that is twice the size as her. On the other hand, she lays pretty eggs and her face is cute. She only has 2 friends in my entire flock, they were in the same batch. She only really hangs out with the chickens her age. She has a very weird laying time, will lay all throughout summer, and after Winter she starts back up again very early, about February.
Purchase Price
$4.00 at a local breeder
Purchase Date
March 2019
One of my very favorites!
Pros: Good layers, lay large pretty eggs, generally very healthy, cold hardy, heat tolerant, small for a standard chicken, so many colors!
Cons: They can fly high and tend to wander, can be skittish, often mislabeled
Easter Eggers are one of my very favorite chickens. I've found them to be the healthiest chickens I've raised and they live a long time. They lay lots of large and jumbo eggs and continue to lay a decent amount when they're older. Because they are mixes you never know what color you are going to get or if they'll have beards or not or what color eggs they are going to lay which is exciting to me. You can usually easily tell individuals apart too. They are on the small side for a standard chicken so they probably don't eat as much as, say, a dual purpose breed, but their size and weight allow them to fly quite well which can be a problem if you're trying to keep them within a fenced area or catch them.


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Amazingly sweet and to-be layers
Pros: Very cute
Much more weather tolerant than my silkies
Very sweet as well
Lay well in my friend's experience
Cutest chicks EVER
The muffs are too cute
Colorful eggs!!! What's not to love?
Cons: A bit smelly
Always jumping out of brooder because why wouldn't they
Easter Eggers are one of my favorite breeds, and I wanted to get them for a while. I got 3 chicks a week ago, and I absolutely love them! Very sweet and adventurous. Would recommend to a first time chicken owner.
Purchase Price
20$ for 3 chicks
Purchase Date
Jan 11, 2023


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Best roosters ive ever had! We were hoping for hens but both our boys defied expectations and are very well behaved and gentlemanly whith our girls even when the ladies are in a truly fowl mood theyre very attentive. plus
They've remained un-aggressive even when not hand raised and like to eat from your hand and show off. Hoping I'll get some hens next batch and breed up these
Cute little Muppets!
my2ducks I'm probably too late seeing your post but where abouts in Cailfornia are you? I'm from the Bay Area, now in OR. We lost our beloved EE roo Napoleon recently and haven't been able to find another. I've had a lot of roosters in my life and my 2 EEs were absolutely the best.
My EE is the absolutely smartest chicken in my flock. She figures out how to get what she wants and does it! At 6 years old she is still giving me 1 to 3 beautiful eggs a week. She is fairly low in the pecking order, and not the friendliest, but doesn't mind a little petting now and then. Even though some of her offspring don't look like her, I'm getting blue and green eggs from them. The one that does look like her lays brown eggs.
One of my EE’s Goldie, is also 6 years old and lays more than my 3 year olds. Last week, I didn’t see any eggs from her all week, turned-out she was laying them under the overgrown grapevine, which also made my other EE started laying there - 4 green eggs from her and 3 brown eggs from Brownie, the 3 yr old EE.
I also heard sometimes they are mixed with Marans to get the green eggs. Is this true?
Mine is definatly the friendliest hen i have. She is the same size as my Rhode island red and I get 6-7 eggs a week and they are larger than my barred rock and reds.
I can’t answer your question, as I’m new to the backyard chicken experience. I’m happy to know that you have a pretty good egg production from your hens. I’ve got 4 eggers, 1 rhode island, and 3 barred rocks. My barred rocks are 3 weeks younger than my other girls, but, I’m anxious to see how they will produce and nervous about introducing them to the older girls.
Contrary to your experience, my EEs are the sweetest of my flock. My Hazel (named after my grandma in heaven) chases me around until I pick her up. I usually lay her on her back in my hands and stroke her neck and breast and she sticks her legs straight out and goes to sleep. Haha! Her friend, Peaches, also likes to be held. Maybe I was just lucky in the two that came to me?
She might be "going to sleep" because they can't breathe well when on their backs...
I would not say my 2 EEers are friendly. We handled them all quite a bit since we got them and they both do not like being handled.
Love my Easter Eggers! They are great layer, too. Friends are amused by the green eggs. They are so friendly, often following me around as I fetch feed or do chores.
I’ve been thinking about getting one in the future, I love their appearance (gorgeous birds), I’m just on the fence about how vocal and friendly they can be.
My 1 yr old EE has started this new cackle,, she sounds like an old lady laughing. It’s funny until you realize it’s 7 in the morning and you’re worried that the neighbors don’t think it’s so funny.
I am trying to find where to buy laying hens from you. Do you sell? Looking for juvenile Easter Eggers and Barred rock.
Please let me know as I am ready to buy. Also shipping info. We live in Sw Colorado.

Thank you,
Mary Culver
Easter Eggers are great birds! The main issue I have with them is that not all of them lay blue or green eggs.
my2ducks I'm probably too late seeing your post but where abouts in Cailfornia are you? I'm from the Bay Area, now in OR. We lost our beloved EE roo Napoleon recently and haven't been able to find another. I've had a lot of roosters in my life and my 2 EEs were absolutely the best.
Napoleon - what a great name for a Rooster.
I agree ! I adore my 3 EE's. EE's are like snowflakes, no 2 are the same ! All three of my girls eggs are a different shade of blue. They certainly add character to any flock :)
My sisters EEers look just like salmon faverelles. I researched them and some have crossed the aracunua/ameracuana with the salmon faverelle
One of my EE’s Goldie, is also 6 years old and lays more than my 3 year olds. Last week, I didn’t see any eggs from her all week, turned-out she was laying them under the overgrown grapevine, which also made my other EE started laying there - 4 green eggs from her and 3 brown eggs from Brownie, the 3 yr old EE.
THREE years later and, Goldie is now 10 and still laying. I think she stopped for a couple of years. Last year she laid for one whole month in the spring and stopped. This year, so far she’s been laying her light green eggs, since Feb. 6. The first 3 weeks, some had no shell, which they ate very quickly. She laid 10 total in February; for this month, as of today, 11 eggs.

She’s sits a lot more now and has gotten
more spoiled - my fault.

We have a nightly routine. She comes back in the run from free ranging, she hops on the roost and I feed her sunflower seeds, from my hand.

We’ve also had 2 more EE’s since, all fully grown. Maggie May is similar in color, lays brown eggs, and Pearly Shell, a white EE, with darker green eggs than Goldie.
THREE years later and, Goldie is now 10 and still laying. I think she stopped for a couple of years. Last year she laid for one whole month in the spring and stopped. This year, so far she’s been laying her light green eggs, since Feb. 6. The first 3 weeks, some had no shell, which they ate very quickly. She laid 10 total in February; for this month, as of today, 11 eggs.

She’s sits a lot more now and has gotten View attachment 3446227View attachment 3446228more spoiled - my fault.

We have a nightly routine. She comes back in the run from free ranging, she hops on the roost and I feed her sunflower seeds, from my hand.

We’ve also had 2 more EE’s since, all fully grown. Maggie May is similar in color, lays brown eggs, and Pearly Shell, a white EE, with darker green eggs than Goldie.
Did I say 3, no, 4 years later, obviously Goldie’s not the only one getting old. 👵🏼

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