
Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens: 3rd Edition

Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens includes all the information farmers need — from choosing...

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Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens: 3rd Edition
Gail Damerow
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Storey's Guide to Raising Chickens includes all the information farmers need — from choosing breeds and hatching chicks to building coops and keeping the birds healthy and safe from predators — to keep chickens or run an egg business.The 3rd edition, now with 188,000 copies in print contains new and expanded features:• "Fowl Disposition" — new chapter on training chickens and understanding their intelligence• Expanded coverage of hobby farming• Disease section now includes information on avian influenza and fowl first aidStorey's Guide to Raising Series is the essential animal husbandry information from the trusted source. With a combined total of 1.7 million copies in print.Praise for the book:"I didn't know how much I didn't know until I bought this book." - Keith, Bakersfield, CA

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Pros: Colored Pics, Easy to Understand, Covers vast array of topics
Cons: none
I'm a relatively new chicken owner (mine are a month from being 1 year old). I wanted a good reference book shortly after I got my chicks. I purchased this from Amazon as a used paperback book. It's one of my best go to reference books. I have other Storey's books on other topics (e.g. gardening) and have enjoyed them all. The colored pics are much better than just illustrations. Makes good reference book.
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Reactions: Jenbirdee
I purchased this book after seeing it in Barnes & Noble and I absolutely love this book! It’s written and illustrated amazingly, it covers all aspects of chicken keeping! I am so happy I purchased it and well worth the money.
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Received this a couple of years ago as a gift ! Read it cover to cover & keep it for reference , I am getting a little forgetful lol !!
love the book !!
Pros: Goes into detail on breeds, predators, and protection, egglaying, raising chicks, and even chicken talk.
Cons: No cons.
This book helped me learn a lot about egg laying. I got it from the library when they started laying, just for fun, and it turned out that it was really good that I read it! I learned a lot about predator protection, egglaying, breeds, feathering, chicken talk, coop building, and diseases! I highly recommend this to anybody who has a lot of questions, and needs them quick!


Hi there!
How did your hatch go? I'm wondering because on p284 (very last sentence) the book says to stop turning the eggs after day 14. Most people continue turning through day 18, from what I've read and heard on here anyhow. What did you end up doing, and how did your hatch go? Just wondering if this is good new information... or if it was a typo. I've never read about stopping turning after day 14 before. Thanks for any info you can provide- Cheers! :)
i have started reading this book, and i totally agree with you!!!!! it is definitely a good book to have on hand for chicken lovers!
I absolutely agree 100%. This book is my 'bible' along with it's companion book 'Chicken Health Handbook'. I am constantly referring to both books - for my own questions and some posted on BYC.
I love this book! I have it as well as some others like their cow, goat, and pig book and it really helped me when I wanted to get into these animals!
Well written, great photos and illustrations, it is a comprehensive book for raising chickens. It covers almost everything from A to Z and is written for the backyard two chicken hobbyist to the small farmer.
I’ve seen used copies at book stores and on auction sites for the budget minded.

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