
Enslaved by Ducks

A true story of how one man went from head of the household to bottom of the pecking order.

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Pros: Laugh out loud page turner!
I'm an avid reader and I can honestly say that this was the first book that actually made me laugh out loud...and on many instances. The writer has such a flair for humorous descriptive narrative.

I have to admit I probably wouldn't have picked this book off the library shelf under normal circumstances as my literary genre wouldn't have gravitated toward it. However, it was in the stack of books my co-worker gave me in our regular book exchange. She pointed out that the book is quite funny and that although it is not my normal read, that I would no doubt enjoy it. She was absolutely right about that! At times I laughed so hard my Mother, also an avid reader, would come into the room to see what could possibly be so funny. When she saw that a book was the source of my outbursts, she couldn't wait to read it when I was finished. She too thought the book was hysterical.

So don't do as I did and pass by the shelf without picking it up! You'll be missing out on a wonderfully funny adventure of how our beloved animals take over our lives. If you have animals, you will certainly relate to the plight of the author.



Sounds like a great book! I've added it to my "wish list" on Amazon (along with 2 of Tarte's other books). Thanks for the review!
I've read this one, it's very entertaining. Sounds like a lot of us here, learn by doing, and victims of animal math!

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Bridger Davis
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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