

Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
As adults they are White, and Cream. As ducklings they are Yellow. Their beaks range from pink to orange colors, and their feet are orange.
Breed Size
Large Fowl
Pekins originated in China. They were bred from a Mallard duck. In 1873, they were brought to Long Island, NY. The ancestors of the Pekin lived in a canal, which was connected by waterways to Nanjing. The Pekin is now one of the most popular commercial ducks bred for meat.

Latest reviews

Almost gave a 4.5
Pros: So Beautiful and funny
Cons: prone to leg problems and other health issues if you keep them for many years (NOT for meat)
Everyone who visits me says the white ducks with the orange bills and feet are their faves - they are just so classic and pretty. Because of their weight they can have foot and leg problems so they require extra extra niacin supplements. also they may not live as long as other breeds because they are bred to be meat ducks (fast growth and heavy weight leads to heart failure and more)
Pros: Personable, loving and silly!
Cons: Can’t think of any except for projectile poops (which happens with any duck lol)
We rescued an abandoned duckling in a nearby lake, and her charming personality has made us have a whole new love for these feathered friends! She is cuddly and loves to follow us around, I highly recommend raising ducks if you’re looking for a loving companion. They need to be kept with other feathered companion!
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Pros: 1. Lays an eggs almost daily.
2. Friendly.
3. Trainable.
4. Good brooder.
Cons: 1. Really big eaters.
I currently have 2 Pekins, both females. They are my best layers of the flock. They lay eggs almost daily; rarlely missing a day in egg production. Weather does not affect the consistency of egg production. Eggs are white and LARGE and taste great and are great for baking. My Pekins are trained to respond to my call. I can call them in from the water early if I need to. They are sticklers for routine, so they will come up out of the tank at the same time every day on their own. Pekins are BIG eaters. I jokingly call them my piggies. They are usually the first to get to the feed, and will shove others out of the way until they've had their first bite. Pekins are great foragers; I haven't seen a grasshopper on about 5 acres (I only have 5 ducks). They are gentle for the most part. If it's not time to eat, they tend to be skittish with people other than myself. They only let you get close enough to touch them when it's dinnertime. They will eat feed and pieces of fruit from the hand of my 2-year old. My Pekins are also the best brooders of my bunch. Out of my 3 breeds, the Pekins were dedicated to their nests until the job was done.
Purchase Price
$8.50 per duck
Purchase Date
July 2018


I have 2 pekin ducks named "cheese" and "quackers". Quackers is the drake and much like you say, he is very protective of both my hens and his soul mate "Cheese". Winter is here in Michigan and outside water is beginning to freeze at night. Ducks not only need water to eat and grovel in, but they bath and clean themselves in it also. Wild ducks are always in search of open water in the winter months. I'm concerned as what to do to provide some sort of winteer water system I can provide for them. I have cup type waterers that they use currently to drink from and also a small heated dog dish waterer. What I dont have is a heated pool for them to bath and clean out their vented nostrils in. They have no problem sharing the coop with our hens.
the chickens and ducks pretty much avoid each other, the only time they get near each other is if there is a treat in sight or if one of the girls is trying to drink out of the pool while they are swimming. We have had a few nights around freezing. The first time I let the ducks out of their house and they immediately went to the pool and jumped in. Needless to say they jumped right back out and started at it like it was a strange new thing. The ice had broke apart and the sound.feel had scared them. :) Maybe you could get a shallow storage bin and use it. If you have a way to refill it in the morning you could dump it out so it won't freeze through the night. I can't imagine being in Michigan in the winter. I freeze here and the winters are mild. We rarely get any snow and as the joke goes around here...when it snows everything shuts down. We simply don't know how to drive in it, we don't get enough to really learn/practice. Everyone you meet here from up North always laughs and makes fun of us locals for that. (Ft Bragg is here so we get lots of people from out of state). Good luck with your efforts to keep water for them...
Sweet things :D
I had some that were pretty friendly... but then they realized that the pond was pretty removed from the house and turned feral.
I'd like to get some more some time. :)
They are not unintelligent! My uncle potty trained his pekin. And they are domesticated ducks. They aren't good foragers
I raise Muscovy - love them! Pekins are on sale right now - I've had two in the past and didn't really enjoy them. They were so **** messy. Muscovy don't tear up the yard, they don't crap in every water container around, and they are excellent foragers. The meat is very good too. I was glad to read this post and the reviews - I think I'll save the money - but 1.50 a duck is very tempting! My other pekins were eaten. They're fat, can't fly and are white, which made for the perfect storm out on my free range farm. ah - to each his own! oh, and another thing - Muscovy eat mosquitoes and they don't quack!
My Mom raised Pekin because they were easy to get, easy to handle, and she liked the eggs for farm baking. However, I often wistfully heard her wish she had Muscovy's instead but as a kid I never cared to ask her why - now I wish I had.
Dear Pekin hater,
I am surprised the 2 week olds even lived whenever left to range. I am happy you hate this breed! you DONOT deserve to raise & own Pekins! Both you & future Pekin ducklings will be much happier apart! Well, at least the ducklings will!
Yes I though I was loosing it but they were pooping them out every 12 hours or so. One early AM one in he evening. The only part that stinks is most people are afraid to try them so they are hard to sell. Organic or not. I have on that is doing 2 right now.
Well, based upon well documented data, it's very hard to credit ducks or chickens for that matter, being able to lay two properly formed eggs during a 24 hour period.
I would love to witness such a feat.
Ducks do NOT lay two eggs per day, naturally and be healthy. They might lay two eggs at the same time because they were defective and were laid, one inside the other but not one single egg at one point in the day and then another healthy egg at another point that dame day...It does not happen.
You can tell that to my ducks if you like but they wil just quack at you. I have 3 Ducks and I get 3-5 eggs a day. We gather daily sometime multi daily. The eggs all look the same to me. And I have hatched ducklings from them. I have 5 in the bator right now all have candled to have growing ducklings inside. I feed them the same as the chickens. They get Organic complete feed. Corn and Soy free. Organic scratch with sunflower and Corn. Loads of weeds from the garden and scraps. Thy get pasture time, and always have water. The complete feed had oyster shell, red salt minerals, DE, herbal oils, probiotics, alfalfa, peas, milo, vitamin mix, radish. All my baked good turn out just as well and people love to buy my duck eggs as they are impressed so I think mine are doing it just fine.

My ducks are happy and healthy and shiny white. They talk to me and the kids when we come in. They love their chicken buddies and are as normal as any duck. They are 1-2 years old now and still going strong.
All 5 eggs hatching now. but I had to clean the bator from the chicks and I accidentally dropped one the day before hatch.. it had been peeping inside the egg. :( I tried to save it but if died. Poor thing. The others are looking great though.
Mine a very smart. They are great with the kids and loyal.

Most duck I have ever eaten is fatty.. so are geese its the way they are made 25% fat. Mine are at that or less and my ducks do fine on my organic feed which has no corn or soy, but mostly Alfalfa, veggies, peas, milo, herbs, minerals. Plus grass weeds and kitchen veggies and fruit scraps. The scratch has corn and sunflower in it. Mine have never died for no reason. Because they are fast growers they need more protein and unless you have a fish filled stock pond, a massive supply of insects, and more than grass and weeds they won't do so well un-fed. But enjoy the other ducks they are nice too... I just find it harsh to badly rate an animals quality when the owner wasn't giving proper care for the breed.

Babies regardless of size are babies at such a young age (2 weeks) and without parents will die. I don't even put mine with the older animals until they are adult size! Let alone have them fend for themselves.
oh yes my duck meat was very tasty..

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