
American Game Bantams

Unlike many of the bantams you may see listed here, American Game Bantams (AGBs) are distinct...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
White to Ivory
Breed Size
Game Bantam
Unlike many of the bantams you may see listed here, American Game Bantams (AGBs) are distinct from their namesake large fowl counterparts in that the bantams are an accepted breed by the major breed organizations while the large fowl counterparts are not. AGBs owe this to the work of Frank Gary of New Jersey, who worked with the ABA in the 1940s to develop a standard breed predominantly using bantam game birds (now referred to as either "pit bantams" or "mini-games") with Red Jungle Fowl bred in to improve hackle and saddle feather length and other show qualities. Thus the original variety of AGB was the Black Breasted Red (BBR). Unfortunately, it does not appear that the AGBs available today are descended from Frank Gary's lines.

Currently, there are 12 accepted varieties of AGBs, but two of these are only accepted by the ABA. Varieties currently accepted by the APA are Birchen, Black, BBR, Blue, Blue Red, Brown Red, Golden Duckwing, Red Pyle, Silver Duckwing, and White. Brassy Back and Wheaten are listed in the ABA only, although Quail was apparently accepted at one time, but no one seems to know how it was replaced by Brassy Back.

My experience has been that these are very vigorous birds, forage well, and are good fliers. AGB hens tend to be much better layers than other game bantams, which is partly attributable to their greater weight compared to Old English Game Bantams (OEGBs) and Modern Game Bantams (MGBs). AGB cocks average 30 ounces and hens at 27 ounces and should have a more substantial feel to them. As with OEGBs and MGBs, they are required to be dubbed for show, but in manner similar to OEGBs (high dub) rather than MGBs.

Males should be well feathered with long, wiry hackle and saddle feathers that spill out over the shoulders and back and should have a tail held at a 50 degree angle with long sickle feathers that form a semi-cardioid (half heart) shape - a defining characteristic of the breed! Tails should be well spread on females. Feathering should be hard in the manner of game fowl. The birds should have a graceful, upright stance and carry themselves with pride so they have, as close as possible, the shape and carriage of large fowl American Games (scaled down, of course).

As many lines of AGBs have recent infusions of large fowl games, they are very aggressive towards other AGBs and other game breeds (but not humans), but can generally be kept in communal grow-out pens until six months. After that, males must be kept separate. Females can also be aggressive among themselves and may even have tiny spurs, but will generally accept other pullets/hens after they "work things out". They can go broody easily, but my experience is that they tend to want to stay on unhatched eggs rather take care of the chicks they've hatched.

AGBs are listed as "Not Common" in the ABA standard, but I have trouble understanding why. They are everything you'd want in a bantam and then some: active, brave, disease resistant, good layers, graceful and beautiful. Consider keeping a trio.

Latest reviews

Pros: very very sweet hens and good layers
Cons: eggs are quite small (but i still love them)
My first 4 chickens I got from the "assorted bantam bin" at Big R about 4 years ago now, still have them and 3 of them have grown into the sweetest little hens you will ever meet. 1 of them grew into the most handsome and fiesty little rooster. Until now I had no idea what breed they were until I saw a picture of a old english game bantam in the color silver duckwing and it looks just like em!
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Reactions: BlackHackle
Pros: Super foragers, wonderful mothers, super hardy, independent
Cons: cant find any
I just wrote all about my first two Game bird Mix hens on the American Game breed heading, didn't realize that they weren't talking about bantam breed! I will try to repeat what i wrote there but have had these hens for almest 4 years now, they are still healthy and going strong. They raised their first brood of chicks together. Not their first but the first they had since coming to live with me.
An excellent durable, loveable bird.
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Pros: great mums, lay quite alot of eggs, wide range of colour, great weeders, can be free range, great beginner chickens
Cons: they can be flighty at first to pick up, rats/birds of prey/raccons might try and kill them, do not like dogs
I own only 2 at the moment and they are silver Dutch bantams, we keep them in with our partridge pekin bantam cockerel. They have 2 chicks that are 6 weeks old now and they are a cross between dutch bantam and pekin bantams.


It is important to remember that almost any breed can throw a people-aggressive rooster and it is best not too overgeneralize that AGBs are "not the bird for kids". Story's Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds states: "The American Games are hardy, vigorous, and easy for beginners to raise." So I do believe they are a good bird for kids, though perhaps not really young ones. They can be a touch flighty, but certainly less so than some of the breeds in he Mediterranean Class, such as Leghorns.
Thank you everyone for your praise of my boy. Yes, I agree that he is the most beautiful boy AND he is the bestest rooster to his girls and me, as I have become one of "HIS" girls..

I guess sometimes the MUTTS make the best pets....
Um, I know this user personally. And yes, she means he took a chunk out of her grandma's leg, she went to the hospital. And secondly, English is NOT her second language!!
Animals970 you DON'T know what happened! he took his sper and jabed it in her leg and pulled down there was a huge tair down her leg! (And I get Fs in spelling that's why I can't spell.)
I'll express my doubts here that what you had was a standard-bred American Game Bantam. These are a bantam breed, coming in at roughly 30 ounces, and are simply not very common. It’s far easier to find a large American Game or an Old English Game Bantam than it is to find a standard-bred American Game Bantam. While (to head off the almost certain defensive response) it is true that I don’t know what happened, I’d sure like to see a photograph of the offending bird. I get a sense from the way the incident is described that it was a large fowl (which are very variable) and not a bantam.

In any case, this “rating” is a classic anecdote (based on a single individual, or even a single incident), and I doubt it has much basis in a real knowledge of the breed. Almost any breed can produce cocks that are aggressive towards people. For instance, it’s my Barnvelder cock that I have to keep an eye out for, as he has attacked me on many occasions. I would never widely defame Barnevelders as a breed based on the behavior of this one cock (who is likely to become soup before June).

In any case, I really wish people would not attempt to rate a breed based on a single individual. You can’t judge (to the good or to the bad) anything based on so little background.
I'll express my doubts here that what you had was a standard-bred American Game Bantam. These are a bantam breed, coming in at roughly 30 ounces, and are simply not very common. It’s far easier to find a large American Game or an Old English Game Bantam than it is to find a standard-bred American Game Bantam. While (to head off the almost certain defensive response) it is true that I don’t know what happened, I’d sure like to see a photograph of the offending bird. I get a sense from the way the incident is described that it was a large fowl (which are very variable) and not a bantam.

In any case, this “rating” is a classic anecdote (based on a single individual, or even a single incident), and I doubt it has much basis in a real knowledge of the breed. Almost any breed can produce cocks that are aggressive towards people. For instance, it’s my Barnvelder cock that I have to keep an eye out for, as he has attacked me on many occasions. I would never widely defame Barnevelders as a breed based on the behavior of this one cock (who is likely to become soup before June).

In any case, I really wish people would not attempt to rate a breed based on a single individual. You can’t judge (to the good or to the bad) anything based on so little background.
Hi the review says that you tell about the bird right? Well I told about that he was ****** mean!
It got censored anyhow. I get pooped on all the time - part of the deal breeding birds.

But, no, the reviews are supposed to be about BREEDS not just about one individual bird, especially if you didn't even own it yourself.
aw come on I think its just a stereotype that they are aggressive just like pit bulls or geese or flying cats.(yes im just kidding on the cats)
Pooped, popped, whatever. That's what happens when you're too ignorant to spell anything correctly ("sper"? Really? Can't even spell "spur" correctly on a poultry website?), that when you do spell something right, nobody's sure what you meant.

Anyhow, I'm finished with this utterly useless conversation.
Hello with all due respect 6mo is not enough time to give an accurate description of their disposition. They are still too young. I have been raising games for a while and a cock will be an adult at 2yrs. And most all of mine are very docile, friendly, and tame.

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4.00 star(s) 15 ratings

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