
Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade

100% Freshwater Diatomaceous Earth

General Information

Diatomaceous Earth
P.F. Harris Manufacturing, LLC
Product Price
$22.49 plus free shipping
Diatomaceous Earth is a great healthy organic product that you can use for regular cleaning regime of your chicken coop. It is a safe food grade product and comes in a 10lb. bag from Amazon. After you clean out your chicken coop with 50/50 water and vinegar every 1-2 weeks use the enclosed duster to puff into all areas of your chicken coop including house and run to prevent pests like lice, mites etc. from infecting your flock. It is 100% certified organic and not harmful to children or pets. Make this a part of your cleaning routine for better preventive health. Do use a mask with duster. I clean coop while hens are out free ranging in yard to avoid any exposure to dust. Safe and effective.

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Latest reviews

Great for ants getting in coop, and under potted plants in the garden
Pros: kills ants , non toxic to other animals unless its airborne
Cons: dont breathe the dust or let your birds breathe it either, can harm their lungs and their eyes (the dust) dont use on birds
I use this in my garden and around the coops but not on the birds anymore, I used to use it on the chickens and one of my hens got respiratory distress from it and has had squinty looking eyes ever since.
Use for places the birds wont get it airborne.
Pros: Easy to use. Cost effective from Amazon. Safe and organic. Great for Preventive Health.
Cons: Not carried locally at TSC. Use of mask with application but a needed safety feature as product easily puffs into air when use duster for application.
I have used this product since my chickens were 4-5 weeks of age safely in my cleaning routine of chicken coop/run and I have not had any pests. Great, safe, and effective. 100% organic.
Purchase Price
$22.49 plus free shipping
Purchase Date
May, 2018
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You can find food grade Diatomaceous Earth in 50 lb bags for 50 dollars. It can treat worms in mammals, including people! Will kill any insect with a carapace, as it dries out their body and they die. Great to use in your garden! Do not breath in this product, as it is tiny tiny shells of sea creatures , thus it is 'scratchy' to the lungs. I put some in my oatmeal and mixed into my dog's food, too.

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