
Featherman Poultry Set Up Special With Chill Tank

This set includes all you need to get started. The Featherman Pro picker, Scalder, Dunker,...
Pros: Fast, easy to clean and effective. Mine came with the roto-dunker which is a must
Cons: A little pricey--but you get your money's worth
I need to improve my processing efficiency--but we are currently able to process 50 birds in a little over 2 1/2 hours (not because of the equipment--but the hand work). I've watched those with more experience than us process more than 200 birds per hour. Clean-up takes less than a half hour and best with a pressure washer--but a regular hose will get you there. The scalder was effective holding temps on a 30 degree day. 30 seconds and four birds are perfectly clean.
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