

The Lakenvelder is a Dutch breed from the dutch town Lakervelt. First exhibited in England in...
Pros: Beautiful
Cons: Skittish and shy
Bought a young, white and black

Lakenvelder hen from a hatchery. It was eaten by an opossum a few weeks afterward, so I don't know how its laying abilities are. Maybe it was an anomaly, but this wasn't my favorite bird. The day we got it, it ran under the patio and wouldn't come out. After four hours, we were finally able to force it out. The next day it got wedged in the fence and almost ran into the neighbor's yard. It was a loner and didn't hang out with the other three young hens, was super hard to catch, and was skittish and unfriendly. I wouldn't recommend this breed and I wouldn't get another.
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Pros: Looks
Cons: flighty, small eggs
I had a cream colored one. I almost thought it was a type of banty. It loved being high up in the trees. It was almost impossible to catch. It lived long enough to prove that the eggs were small. This breed did not pass the test of surviving free ranging and was not useful.
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Pros: Males are very beautiful
Cons: Can be hard to confine and a little flighty
One of my favorite breeds. Hens and roos are beautiful but the roos are especially beautiful. Average layers of med-small tinted eggs. Needs to be kept in a pen with a top or just allowed to free range. They are great fliers and can pretty much go wherever they like.
Pros: Nice sized white eggs for their size, excellent foragers, good feed conversion, not prone to going broody
Cons: Can be flighty and will not go broody
I have the golden variety, beautiful color! It is hard to find properly marked stock, most will have black on the body when it should be solid gold except on the neck and tail. Every one of them was a flighty lunatic, a good thing for free range, they trust nothing. Their size let's them fly well, be it away from danger or out of a pen. The gold coloration provides some protection from birds of prey.

Reliable layer of nice sized white eggs, given the size of the birds. Not good for meat being medium sized and light. They will not take a break to go broody.. good for a laying operation but not good if you were expecting babies from them naturally.
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