
Modern Game

Bred from pit breeds in the past, the Modern Game has a spunky personality and will happily...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Breed Temperament
Aggressive,Friendly,Not bear confinementwell,Noisy
Breed Colors/Varieties
Brown Red, Birchen, Silver Blue, Lemon Blue, Black Breasted Red, Red Pyle, Blue Red (Blue Breasted Red), White, Black, Blue, Golden Duckwing, Silver Duckwing, etc.
Breed Size
Bred from pit breeds in the past, the Modern Game has a spunky personality and will happily strut its stuff in the show room. Moderns originated in Great Britain when breeders of Pit Games decided to change their focus to exhibition poultry. They are known as the "ultra fanciers creation", and come in many stunning varieties. Modern Games, both Bantam and Large, were featured in the first Standard of Perfection in 1874 and have since dominated the shows, residing in the top 10 most popular exhibition breeds. Males are required by show standards to be dubbed if you wish to compete in exhibitions.
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Latest reviews

I purchased two pair of BB Reds and wondered about there traits. They are only 8 weeks old and they are a blast to watch. Your article was very helpful. Thanks
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
June 10th 2019
Pros: They are very beautiful, gentle, easy to handle, and they get along well with others! They are very chatty and verbal too!
Cons: Hey aren’t very hardy, and do terrible in the cold! They are hard to hatch, the hens aren’t very good moms, and they lay very few, and small, eggs.
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Pros: very friendly, super small and cute
Cons: dont do well in cold at all
i got 4 modern game bantams last month. the Wisconsin winter has only just started, it has been on average 30-40 over the past month and they already have very bad frostbite and will likely lose some toes already. aside from not being able to handle the cold at all, i LOVE these birds. they are so fun to have around. they will follow me all over the place and will let me pick them up no problem.


How could they have gotten frostbite in 30 degree temps? That ain't that cold! If necessary, you could always hang a heater plate in the roof rafters or install one in a coop wall, but most likely they'd do just fine, providing the coop is small enough for their own body heat to warm them sufficiently
Frostbitten feet? Something seems amiss here. I have Chanteclers, Naked Necks and Dark Cornish. The first two breeds are known for their very cold tolerance but not so much for the Cornish.

We have lows here of 17*F with wind chill near 0* and these Cornish have been right out there with the rest of the flock, free-ranging, even in the worst of it with a bit of snow on the ground and they are even laying pretty well for the breed. No pampering with lights and they have EXCELLENT ventilation.

I can't imagine what could cause your bird's feet to become frostbitten in what seems like relatively balmy weather.
What type of feed will make them lay more? I have a MGB and she lays almost nothing and I would love to know what kind of feed would help her lay more.

Item information

Chicken Breeds
Added by
Super Admin
Last update
4.72 star(s) 18 ratings

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