
P5 - 5 Quart Plastic Feed Pan - Blue

Plastic feed pans have always been a favorite around the farm. Feed pans are made for...
Pros: Cheap
Easy to clean
These don't become brittle as quickly as other plastic feed bowls
Cons: Chickens can easily kick shavings into bowl
I have several of these bowls. I use them to feed all my outdoor animals.
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Works great!
Pros: Works great for feeding fermented feed to chickens.
Cons: Chickens can poop in it easily.
I use this for feeding my hens fermented chicken feed. I use one feeder for around seven birds.
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Pros: Cheap, Durable, Easy to Clean, Measurements on the inside of bowl.
Cons: Sticker glue will not come off
I found these bowls at my locale tractor supply for like 4 bucks. Way cheaper then the purchase link. They are super easy to clean and have found algae will grow in them like other plastic water dishes.
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Pros: Durable, easy to clean, inexpensive, can use ACV with this dish
Cons: Open area does allow debris to be kicked in
I have purchased 8 of these to use as feed dishes and for water. In the 8+ years I have been using these I have only had to replace one. It was my fault. It was sixteen degrees below zero, it was frozen solid. I turned it upside down, poured a little hot water over it. When it did not release the ice as I expected I banged the bottom with my small shovel. I must have hit it with the edge as it cracked.
I do try to remember to empty the water dishes at night but have used hot water often enough that I know it was a fluke.
I think I paid about 5 dollars each for these and certainly got more then my moneys worth.
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