

The India Blue Peafowl is native to South Asia. The Green Peafowl is native to Burma east to Java.
Pros: protective of flock, beautiful, curious
Cons: territorial, attitude, curious
I got my spalding, originally i wanted an indian blue, and he is a pain in the butt. I had a purple peahen, and she was an angel, indian blues and their color varieties are more docile than the spaldings. unfortunately my peahen got taken by a fox. Now my spalding whines all the time and looks through the windows of our house and our neighbors' houses. They need someone to protect and they are fine, but if they don't have a few partners, they get hormonal and will try to size up other people and cars thinking they can try to take them out. You cannot just get one, you have to get a few
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Pros: Beautiful, Friendly, Great feathers when molted
Cons: Loud
I have two peacocks, Jacar and Clue, and they are wonderful birds!
Pros: VERY Beautiful, Mates well, Hearty
Cons: They can fly away and VERY Noisy
I love all 9 of my peacocks!
youre bird sure is pretty it it hard to take care of how much would something like that cost
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